Colds and Hoarseness Tea
2 oz Malva flowers
1 ½ oz Mullein flowers
Use 2 tbs of mixture per 1 cup hot water. Steep 10 minutes; strain.
Drink only 2 – 3 cups per day for just a few days.
Wales Tea Merchant - Vegan Teas - Sourcing Teas From Around The World. Last Orders For Christmas 18th December. Orders after that date will be dispatched from the from the 28th December with a break for new year 1st & 2nd. Wishing Everyone Happy Holidays From Harrison Teas.
Colds and Hoarseness Tea
2 oz Malva flowers
1 ½ oz Mullein flowers
Use 2 tbs of mixture per 1 cup hot water. Steep 10 minutes; strain.
Drink only 2 – 3 cups per day for just a few days.
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